Neue Funktionen in 2.01 (06-10-2001):
- Es wurden sehr viele Fehler (Bugs) behoben!:
- - Many, many bug-fixes!!
- - Icons are now displayed on NT 4.0 systems
- - Windows Shell system updates now after the filetype-registration
- - Partial Filetype association is now possible!
- - Copy/Move/Rename bugs are now fixed
- - tar files in tar.gz archives are automatically opened
- - AutoUpdate feature added
- - storing files without path info is now possible
- - WinXP theme support added (tlistview bug fixed)
- - enhanced shell extension (shortening filenames)
- - fixed bug: extract selected files
- - and many more... :)
New features in 2.0 (24-06-2001):
- Big speed improvement: Loading files up to 20 times faster
- Extended shell extensions: Add to all archive types, multiextract,
multitest, email,...
- remote/local ini file location
- Test, Extract, Convert and Repair many files at once
- Rename and change path of files in zip archives
- Filetype is now displayed
- new menu & toolbar icons
- temp folder bug fixed
- fixed problem with already existing files
- no more problems with WinNT & Registry access
New features in 1.61:
New features in 1.60 (01-12-2000):
- New feature: Exe to Zip conversion
- Zip list now displays CRC and Archive bits
- Commandline support (add+extract)
- auto-update function tells about new FilZip versions
- english ressource strings (see menu shortcuts)
- fixed automatix setup bug
- fixed "Error in List() function" bug
- fixed bugs when Adding single folder
- fixed problems with file associations under Win2K & NT
- fixed file viewing bug
New features in 1.54 (02-11-2000):
- new internet address:
- many bugfixes, especially:
- shell extension fixes
- storing with relative path names
New features in 1.53 (18-10-2000):
- Main new feature: support of 15 archive types, including
arj, ace, cab, gzip, lha, rar, zip of course, and many more!
- built-in mail client to send archives as email
(also possible to launch default mail program,
be careful with MS Outlook Express 5.0)
- you can encode (&decode of course) your zip files
using the uue or xxe encryption
- Checkout function: Files are being extracted to the hdd
and a start menu entry will be created for each file
- Test the archive, zip files only!
- search for files in archive
- create spanned archives very easy
- improved multiextract function
- toolbar changed a lot (style, now possible to drag it
to the left or the bottom)
- Create shortcut to archive on the Desktop
New features in 1.5 (29-07-2000):
wait for next release for detailed information ;)
New features in 1.1 (05-06-2000):
- Shell Extensions added
- many bugfixes
New features in 1.0e beta (05-03-2000):
- renamed to FilZip 2000
- New menuitem: File->Properties. Displays Archive properties
- Main window now being disabled when processing archive.
- Fixed bug in drag&drop engine
- Dlls are now installed into FilZip folder
New features in 1.0d beta (24-02-2000):
- Full Drag & Drop support.
You can both drag files into FilZip and
out of FilZip, e.g. into Windows Explorer
- MultiExtract:
This feature makes it possible for the user to extract many
files at one time, without opening each file manually.
New features in 1.0c beta (23-01-2000):
- New spanning capabilities: Now you can either let FilZip span the data automatically, e. g. to floppy
disks, or you can manually select the size of the single files you want to have.
- I have been working on many bugs, so this version should be much more stable
- Another thing I found out now is how to implement shell extensions. The next version of FilZip will definitly support this feature, but I haven't had the time do include it yet.
New features in 1.0b beta (01-11-99):
- Implemented the possibility to sort
the list items by name size, date and so on. Either you use the menues
(main menu or popup menu) or you click the column headers.
- The statusbar now gives you more information
about the archive and the selected files. It shows you how many files
are in the entire archive and how many of them you have currebtly selected,
and their size in both compressed and uncompressed status.
New features in 1.0a beta:
- Now supports zip comments (at the moment still read-only)
- Several new functions: Copy, move
and renaming the archive, select all zip entries, invert selection
- New style of toolbar, now you can drag it out of the FilZip
window as an own one, new speedbutton style
- Drag&Drop routines imlemented, but at the moment only into a zip file
- I added a context menu for the zip entries
Old features (v 0.99):
- It is tested on Win 95 & 98, and it should also run under Win NT.
- By double-clicking onto a file in the grid, it's opened withthe
program associated to this filetype.
- Simple EXE-creating: Converting
the ZIP-file to an single EXE is very useful when you want to distribute
your software over the internet.
- You can protect your files with
a password so only persons can access them
- Add files to an existing archive
- Delete files from an existing archive
- Decompress files from a zip file
- Obtain a detailed list of files and information like compression rate,
path, or size from a Zip file.
- FilZip supports both long and short 8.3 filenames
- disk spanning from and to multiple diskettes or other removable media